Author Spotlight

Scott Sigler

Scott Sigler
Credit: Joan Allen

Scott Sigler is fast becoming one of my favourite sci-fi authors and anyone who knows me will tell you, though I read everything, my heart belongs to Sci-fi, particularly Horror Sci-fi.

I am patiently (sort of) waiting for the 3rd installment of The Generations Series as I just finished Alight and I can’t gush enough about it.

Normally I would properly review each book of the series, however Mr. Sigler himself has included a note for people like me, asking us ever so nicely not to give anything away.  He’s absolutely right of course because a series like this relies on its secrets being revealed one at a time and writing an in-depth review of this type of book ruins the magic.  That wouldn’t be fair to anyone now would it?

About the Author 

Scott Sigler is a New York Times best-selling author. He has penned 15 novels, 6 novellas and dozens of short stories.

His works are available from Crown Publishing and Del Rey Books.  In 2005 Scott built a huge online following by releasing his audiobooks as serialized podcasts and over a decade later he still gives his stories away for FREE to his loyal fans dubbed “The Junkies”.

Scott is also the co-founder of Galactic Football YA Series and resides in San Diego with his little dog Reesie.

Why I Love Him (in a literary way of course)

I first discovered Scott Sigler by randomly stumbling across Contagious in a public library and I have been hooked ever since.  As I mentioned before I’m in the middle of the Generations Series and I can’t rave about it enough!

Scott Sigler - The Generation Series

I will give you the blurb on the back of the book and then you HAVE to read them as they’re exciting, terrifying and unique!

Alive : Book One

A teenaged girl awakens to find herself trapped in a coffin, with no idea who she is, where she is, or how she got there.  Fighting her way free, she discovers a room lined with caskets, a handful of equally mystified survivors, and a labyrinth of corridors filled with bones and dust but no people…and no answers.  Though she’s not the biggest or the boldest among the frightened group, the others trust her to lead then. And she’s determined to make sure they survive – by finding the truth and confronting it.  Maybe there’s a way out, a rational explanation and a fighting chance against the dangers to come. Or maybe a reality they cannot comprehend lies just beyond the next turn. 

Yikes! Goosebumps just thinking about it!

Check out Scott Sigler’s website 

 You can also follow him on social media!   

Scott on Twitter 

Scott on Instagram 

Scott on Goodreads                        





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