Home to Roost by Chauncey Rogers #Review #Books #DarkFiction #LiteraryHorror

Book Review


Who knew a story narrated by a chicken could be so amazing!

It’s true! This genre-bending story is narrated by a tiny rooster named Brad, and his story will give you chills.

Home to Roost (Release Date: March 20, 2017)

In America’s heartland, a small farm lies nestled atop a hill, guarded by the dense surrounding forest. The sun rises, and the animals wake; the sun sets, and the animals sleep.
But things are changing. Something has taken up residence in the deep ravine behind the barn. No one has seen it, but they’ve all heard its cries echoing in the night: a long, mournful howl. And some of the animals have started acting erratic, even violent.
At the center of the change is Brad, the small rooster. New to the chicken coop and more comfortable with humans than with his own kind, Brad struggles to adjust to this strange, structured life. Everything has its place, and all is watched over by the Great Yolk in the sky. Everything, that is, except for Brad, who discovers that he not only doesn’t belong, but is also unwelcome. But then unlikely friendships blossom around the farm. As Brad’s relationships with his new friends bloom, power-plays and jealousies arise to threaten all that he’s accomplished.
All the while, the festering menace in the ravine watches, biding its time, waiting for the right moment to reveal that the animals’ true struggle is against evil itself, and it may be a fight that is impossible for them to win.”

“A heart-wrenching tale of love, mania, fear, and the descent into madness. Chauncey uses simple farm animals to demonstrate the complexities of social pressures, and issues such as love, hate, and death. A beautifully-chilling story, a horrifyingly-addictive read.” – Lara Hues, Author

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My Thoughts…

See this little guy? This is Brad. He is half the size of a regular hen and his story will have you glued to its pages! Skeptical? I don’t blame you but I promise you will not be able to put this book down.

When Chauncey first contacted me about “Home to Roost”, I immediately thought of Orwell’s Animal Farm, a fine example of Anthropomorphism. And though, there were some things in the book that reminded me of it, “Home to Roost” is very much an original story, and is inspired by real events.

Brad is a tiny little chick brought into the family home by the little girl who lives there. He spends every day waitng for his little girl to come home and bring warmth to his life. Inevitably, he is sent outside to the farm’s chicken coop. Once he arrives, he is put on a kind of probation by “Father Rooster” because the chickens think Brad has strange ideas that do not conform to their values and traditions.

Brad has barely shaken the scent of the little girl from his feathers when several chickens are brutally murdered, and not for food.

Brad soon discovers that his best chance is to listen to Father Rooster and try to conform. But his forward thinking and personality, make it very hard to fit it. Not to mention, there is an unseen evil lurking off the edge of the farm, that makes it very difficult for Brad to squelch his natural instincts to protect his fellow chickens. He refuses to sit idly by, and wait for them to be picked off one by one, so he makes a few choices that change EVERYTHING!

“Home to Roost” is superbly written, evocative, terrifying, hopeful… the list goes on and on. I am hesitant to classify its genre because it contains so much between its pages. Let’s just say, it will appeal to almost every kind of reader. If you can open your mind and accept that it’s narrated by a chicken, this chicken will blow your mind!

I can’t recommend it enough! I truly loved it.

Rating… A+

Available on Amazon

Chauncey Rogers



21 thoughts on “Home to Roost by Chauncey Rogers #Review #Books #DarkFiction #LiteraryHorror

  1. Pingback: Blog Tour Review and Guest Post: Happily – Jill's Book Blog

  2. Pingback: Blog Tour: Happily by Chauncey Rogers @ChaunceyRogers #BlogTour #Fantasy #Sequel #Announcement – Reads & Reels

  3. Pingback: Happily by Chauncey Rogers @ChauceyRogers #Review #Cinderella #FairyTale #AmReading #Goodreads #Fantasy – Reads & Reels

  4. I…I can’t believe I want to go read this book about a chicken. Um, what?? It sounds like an intriguing story but this is also a testament to your skills as a writer! I thought it was going to be a satirical post but by the time I got to the end of your review (or, if I’m being honest, a third of the way through) you had me completely hooked!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I promise, whenever it finds its way home to me, I’ll let you know. Also, “it’s just a really amazing story told by a chicken” is a line I never thought I’d read. Haha, I love it! And I can’t wait to read this book too.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Great review! I’m so pleased you enjoyed it! It’s an awesome book, right? I never knew a book about a chicken could reduce me to tears, but it did. One of my best reads of 2017 most definitely! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Pingback: Guest Post: “I AM Legend” Book vs Movie #GuestPost #Books #Movies #Horror #Vampires – Reads & Reels

  7. What a great review, I too thought of Animal Farm as I began to read this post, glad it owned its own voice and storyline. I come from farming stock in the UK, so can appreciate the theme running through the book.
    I would be happy to offer a review if Mr Rogers would like to make contact.
    I hope it’ss okay to post a link to my blog where I can be contacted?

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thanks Shanannigans! I’m so glad that you enjoyed it!
    If anyone is interested in receiving a copy of Home To Roost, I’m happy to hook book bloggers up with free copies, so long as they’ll give it a read.
    Or if anyone has questions about the book, I’m here to answer!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. BookDragonGirl

      OMG!!! I’m trying not to take on new books to read and review, but I find this one irresistible!!! If you’re still willing to give us bloggers a copy, I’d love one!!! Send it to dondah@gmail.com I use mobi and if you’d rather send it right to my kindle, the email is singnchic_98@kindle.com how ever you send it is fine. PDF works too. 🐔🐔🐔 I look forward to it! Thank you!!! Donna @ BookDragonGirl.com

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