Top 5 Desert Island Picks! #movies #top5 #stephenking #davidbowie

Hey! Reads & Reels turned 2 yesterday! Here’s one of my early posts. Don’t laugh 😉

Reads & Reels

Obviously being deserted on an island with a bunch of movies is not exactly practical. Who knows maybe there is electricity, a TV and a DVD player? What? It could happen and I could NOT live without is thes movies. Here’s why…



I am still heart-sick over David Bowie’s death as I am a huge fan. But as amazing as he was in this film, when I first watched it, I didn’t know who he was because I was just a kid. I just remember that it was magical, exciting and a little scary. It was the movie I watched over and over until my VHS (Yes I realize I’m dating myself) wore out.

As an adult I can now appreciate both David and Jennifer Connelly’s amazing performances and Jim Henson’s masterful puppetry, not to mention a beautiful soundtrack.

High Fidelity

I am a huge John Cusack fan, especially of his 80’s flicks. This movie…

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