Need a Review?



Due to volume, Reads & Reels will NOT be accepting new submissions at this time!

If you would like to submit a book or movie for review, please email Shanannigans.

Additionally if you are wondering about a book or movie and would like my opinion just ask! I’m happy to make recommendations. I’ve seen and read a TON so if in doubt send me a line and maybe I can assist! 

Review Policy: Please review the info below before submitting your query

Reads & Reels will always provide honest reviews whether favorable or not. Please keep that in mind when submitting a query.

While Reads & Reels covers a wide variety of genres, please note that we don’t review the following:

Children’s Fiction


Religion or Spirituality

Biographies/ Memoirs



Reads & Reels retains the right to turn down any submission deemed unsuitable or if it’s not the right fit for the blog. Also, there will be times when we will not be able to accept submissions due to high volume. If that’s the case, please feel free to try again at another date.