Book Blogger Insider Tag


Yay! What a fun way to get to know each other better!

These tags are pretty new to me but as I am getting to know so many amazing writers and bloggers in our community, I’m also getting curious about the people behind the blogs. I think like traditional journalists, we must all be a little nosy…er curious by nature. 


  1. Answer the questions below
  2. Credit the creator: Jamie @ A Little Slice of Jamie
  3. Tag at least 5 people.
  4. Have fun! 


1. Where do you typically write your blog posts?

I do most of my writing at home. The rest of the time you’ll find me warming a seat at my local Starbucks. The reading and viewing for my blog? Everywhere!

2. How long does it generally take you to write a book review?

Hmm, it depends. If I loved the book I can easily bang out a review in 30 min to an hour because the words just pour out in a gush. If it’s mediocre or worse, terrible, then it could take days as I mull over the words I need to use. I’m not a heartbreaker so i tend not to shred a book if I don’t like it. Chances are, there are people who will. Movies however, are a whole different story.

3. When did you start your book blog?

I will be celebrating my 1 year blogiversary in February. Sniff… I’m so proud.

4. What is the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

Time! There’s never enough time. Up until recently there was only lil’ old me writing. Naturally, I want fresh content up everyday but it is very challenging. Particularly since I am Mom to a 2-year-old.

The other thing I find difficult especially when I was launching my baby, is stressing over traffic. I still worry if people are enjoying it but now I just want to have new things available to my readers as often as possible.

5. What is the best thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

The people! I have met so many incredible bloggers and authors in the last year. I still go all “fangirl” when an author I love sends me messages directly lol.

6. What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far?

I have a featured column on Booknista called “Rants & Raves” where I review my favourite TV shows. That’s a blast! These blog tags are pretty fun too.

7. What is your favourite type of blog post to write?

Hmm, depends on my mood I guess but I do love “Release Day” type posts. Especially a debut novel. It’s an amazing feeling to know that you are part of “machine” that is helping someone’s dreams come true.

8. When do you typically write?

Typically early in the morning while my munchkin is eating her breakfast. She likes to eat and watch her morning cartoons while I have my coffee and write. Better still, on the rare mornings when I am up before she is. I do my major editing and fine-tuning in the evening at night when she has gone to bed.

9. Do you review every book you read?

Definitely! I feel a strong obligation to share even if it isn’t a submission.

10. How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled with your fur baby?

With coffee and usually with my daughter using my body, clothes and laptop as a house, castle or mode of transportation for her toys.

11. When do you write your book reviews? Right after finishing the book? Two weeks after finishing the book?

I try to write them right after while everything is fresh in my mind. That said, sometimes I have several on the go so it varies.

12. How often do you post?

I try to post daily and now that Theresa is here, she tries to contribute as often as she can (maybe twice a month) She’s a busy gal so I really appreciate when she has stuff for the blog.

Please, feel free to participate in this tag as I would love to get to know you all even better. Comment below with the link to your tag so I can check it out!

Shanannigans xo

Tag! You’re it!

Payton’s Book Thoughts

Cleopatra Loves Books

Little Bookness Lane

Critiquing Chemist

YA and Wine





10 thoughts on “Book Blogger Insider Tag

  1. Pingback: Book Blogger Insider Tag – BookBum

  2. Kudos to you for posting daily. I find that difficult to do even if I draft the post ahead of time.
    I also try to review all the books I read. It makes looking back on what I read a year or so ago a lot of fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great answers 😀 I want to review all the books I read too, but it is just so hard for me. I have troubles with writing reviews, but it is getting better. English is not my first language so that doesn’t help either. I can’t believe you can write with a two year old wanting your attention/ using you as a castle haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol! I don’t have much of a choice! Usually by the time mommy is a prop for her toys, she’s looking for attention. She knows that when mommy is drinking her morning coffee that it’s mommy’s “working” time. When my coffee cup is empty then she says I’m done working lol


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