Book Review: Sarah by Teri Polen #Review #YAHorror #YALit #Horror #BookBlogger @TPolen6

Book Review


This is a creepy AF cover… Which is why I had to read it!

Omg, it feels like ages since I’ve written a review! I am so behind because of work but I promise, I will get those bad boys up!

Today it’s time for Teri Polen’s book, Sarah, a YA horror that makes my skin crawl just looking at it. Which is good because it’s horror!

Sarah (Release Date: December 1st, 2016)

Sarah was named a horror finalist in the 2017 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

Seventeen-year-old horror fan Cain Shannon thought helping a ghost find her killers would be the supernatural adventure of a lifetime. Now, he just hopes to survive long enough to protect his family and friends from her.

A bet between friends goes horribly wrong, resulting in Sarah’s death. When she returns to seek justice against those responsible, Cain agrees to help her. But when he discovers Sarah has been hijacking his body, he realizes she wants retribution instead of justice.

Terrified of what could have happened when he wasn’t in control, Cain commands Sarah to leave his house – but exorcising her isn’t that easy. She retaliates against her murderers in bloody, horrific ways, each death making her stronger, then sets her sights on Cain. With the help of friends, Cain fights to save himself and his loved ones and searches for a way to stop Sarah before she kills again.

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My Thoughts…

This is not what I was expecting!

I read the blurb, I understood that “Sarah” was a paranormal entity looking for revenge, but she was a victim! I did not expect her to be so blood thirsty! WOW!

Anyway, I have been wanting to read this book for ages, I just kept forgetting to ask Teri for a copy to review! FINALLY, I remembered while talking to her about something else, and she graciously offered me a copy for my honest review.

I love YA horror! There’s something about teens being stuck in some horrible nightmare while their parents remain oblivious that I like. They really feel like adults won’t get it so they never seek help from someone older, and perhaps wiser. Always entertaining.

Like Teri’s other books, this one is well-crafted, with great dialogue, realistic three-dimensional characters, and an exciting, and in this case, terrifying plot.

This is not your typical haunted house story. For example, you should be able to escape your ghost by leaving the house right? WRONG! With Sarah, there is no escape, and it makes for a positively toe-curling reading experience.

I really enjoyed this book and I can’t recommend it enough! If you enjoy you YA with an edge, then you really need to check out this book!

Rating… A

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Black Rose Writing

Teri Polen

26 thoughts on “Book Review: Sarah by Teri Polen #Review #YAHorror #YALit #Horror #BookBlogger @TPolen6

  1. Great review, Shannon. I enjoyed this one, too. Fab dialogue with that classic teen horror vibe going on. 🙂

    Love the idea of a framed cover in your house, Teri. That is awesome. Hope it’s in a high traffic area. 👻

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Reblogged this on Books and Such and commented:
    This was such a wonderful surprise, and it made my week! Shannon over at Reads & Reels reviewed Sarah, and called it a “…toe-curling reading experience.” Drop by for a visit – Shannon reviews books and movies, and also runs R & R Blog Tours.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was such a surprise! Thanks for much for the review, Shannon – I’m thrilled you enjoyed Sarah. My sons and hubby got me a framed picture of the book cover and it hangs on the landing of our stairs. Kind of freaks out new visitors to our home, lol.

    Liked by 2 people

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